GHG Emissions Highlight #5

The CASIUS Highlights issue covers the recent release from scientists at NOOA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, showing that for the second year in a row, they observed a record annual rise in atmospheric levels of methane, a powerful, heat-trapping greenhouse gas that’s the second biggest contributor to human-caused global warming after carbon dioxide.

NOOA’s data show that global emissions continue to move in the wrong direction at a rapid pace. NOOA’ scientist said, “The evidence is consistent, alarming and undeniable”. “So, it is crucial that we continue to sustain integrated and robust monitoring and verification systems to help assess the current state of the atmospheric greenhouse gas burden, as well as determine the effectiveness of future greenhouse gas emission reduction measures".

Despite international pledges to reduce emissions, climate scientists have seen no measurable progress in reducing greenhouse gas pollution.

While carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for much longer than methane, methane is roughly 28 times more powerful at trapping heat in the atmosphere and has an important short-term influence on the rate of climate change.